What is the Sunnah with regard to wearing perfume?
It is not permissible for a woman to show her henna-decorated hands to non-mahram men
- 997
Ruling on using food items for personal hygiene purposes
Can Men Pluck Hair from the Forehead or between Eyebrows?
It is not permissible for a man to remove anything from his beard. There is nothing wrong with men removing the hair that grows on the forehead and between the eyebrows.178,408- 2,561
What is the ruling on praying to increase one’s height? And is it permissible to change the jawline through exercise?
- 3,255
What is the ruling on eyebrow gel, curling eyelashes, lip moisturiser and alternatives for perfumes?
Is Kohl Beneficial To The Eyes?
Kohl is good and is not harmful to the eyes, rather it is beneficial. But there may be some kinds of modern, manufactured kohl that contain some chemical ingredients which may cause physical damage and remove some of the benefits of kohl.204,090Is Belly Piercing Prohibited?
Wearing a belly button ring is permissible subject to the following conditions: 1- It should not be a symbol that is unique to any group of disbelieving women. 2- It should not be visible to anyone except the husband. 3- It should not cause any harm. 4- Wearing gold in this manner should be customary among women in that country.47,610Is Shaving Chest Hair Prohibited?
With regard to shaving body hair in the case of a man, it is permissible according to the Malikis, and it was said that it is Sunnah. What is meant by the body is everything except the head.324,158Are Cosmetics Prohibited for Men?
• Whatever is specifically for the adornment or beautification of women only, such as lipstick, nail polish, and so on, it is not permissible for men to adorn themselves with it. • There is nothing wrong with using things that are for the purpose of removing defects, such as using creams to remove spots from the face. • In the case of cosmetics that are used only for the purpose of beautification or adornment, it is not appropriate for men to use them. • If the use of something will lead to a change in the colour of the skin, from dark to light for example, if that change is temporary then there is nothing wrong with it.87,929