Images and image-making
Selling three-dimensional images on which clothes are displayed
Is Making Snowmen Prohibited in Islam?
If the snowman has clear facial features, then the majority of scholars are of the view that it is prohibited because of the general prohibition on making images.33,493Can You Pray in a Room with Pictures?
The scholars unanimously agreed that it is not allowed to pray in a place in which there are images of animate beings. In fact some of them were of the view that doing so is prohibited, although the view of the majority is that it is disliked.205,968Can You Pray with Pictures on Your Clothes?
It is prohibited to wear clothes on which there are images of animate beings, but praying while wearing such clothes is valid.336,561Do Recording Angels Enter a House with Pictures?
• The recording angels who write down the deeds of the son of Adam enter houses in which there are images. The angels who do not enter a house in which there are images are the angels of mercy. • The images which prevent the angels from entering a house are images of animate beings, apart from images that are dealt with in a disrespectful manner. • it is not permissible to pray in a place in which there is an image unless the Muslim is forced to pray in that place and is unable to remove the image.142,026- 3,315
Is it permissible to pray in a room in which there are images of animate beings?
Is Keeping Pictures Prohibited in Islam?
Keeping three-dimensional pictures is prohibited. If non three-dimensional are hung up to be venerated and respected, as in the case of pictures of kings, presidents, ministers, scholars etc., they are prohibited because it involves exaggeration about a created being. If pictures are hung up for the sake of memory, such as hanging up pictures of one's friends, this is also prohibited. An exception is made in the case of children’s toys which are not regarded as prohibited or disliked.266,057Is Drawing Faces Prohibited?
Images which do not have complete features, which do not have a nose or eyes, are not included under the heading of prohibited images, and the ones who make them are not included in the Prophetic warning, because they cannot truly be said to be images, and these images do not imply imitating the creation of Allah.272,089- 2,039
Presence of Paintaings of Some Muslim Scholars
- 14,416
Using icons and emojis on the Internet