Etiquette of eating and drinking
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A son argues with his parents about food and prayer
- 16,156
Saying 'Bismillah' when a child starts eating
- 83,915
Is it prescribed to say Bismillah fi awwalihi wa aakhirihi if you did not say Bismillah when beginning an action?
Is Facing Qiblah Necessary When Drinking?
There is nothing suggesting that it is recommended to face the Qiblah while drinking, whether one is drinking Zamzam water or anything else.42,390- 35,780
A Christian woman is asking whether there are any methods for weight loss in Islam
- 49,446
They usually recite al-Faatihah and the du‘aa’ (supplication) before starting to eat; what is the ruling on that?
- 70,138
Holding the vessel in the left hand and supporting it with the right hand when drinking
- 72,911
Mustahabb manner of sitting on for one who wants to eat
Is Washing the Mouth After Eating Required Before Praying?
It is not obligatory to wash the mouth after eating or drinking, whether you want to pray or read the Quran. But it is recommended for you to do that especially if what he ate or drank was at all greasy.103,594Is It Prohibited to Throw Away Food?
It is not permissible to throw leftover food and drink that can be used down the drain or to put them out with the trash. With regard to food that is not good or that has gone off, and drinks that cannot be used, such as leftover tea and coffee, there is nothing wrong with throwing them out with the trash or into drains.128,272