Etiquette of sneezing
- 117,125
Is it prescribed for a person who sneezes, when he praises Allah, to say “Yarhamuk Allah (May Allah have mercy on you)” to himself?
- 83,491
He sneezed whilst he was praying – should he say al-hamdu Lillaah?
- 14,347
Should the one who sneezes and does not praise Allaah be reminded?
- 16,122
Ruling on saying al-hamdu Lillah after sneezing when praying
What to Say When Someone Sneezes
When a Muslims sneezes, he can say: Al-hamdu Lillah or Al-hamdu-Lillah ‘ala kulli haal or Al-hamdu-Lillah Rabb il-‘Alamin. The one who hears him can say: Yarhamuk Allah. If he says, ‘Yarhamuk-Allah,’ then let (the sneezer) say, ‘Yahdikum Allah wa yuslihu balakum.’”167,357- 29,680
If he sneezes or hears a donkey braying whilst praying, should he say the dhikr narrated in the Sunnah?
- 18,654
Saying “Yarhamuk Allah (May Allah have mercy on you)” to one who sneezes
- 272,776
Why do Muslims say “Al-hamdu Lillah” after they sneeze?