Names and Nicknames
Does the one who becomes Muslim have to change his name?
Is It Prohibited to Take Your Husband’s Last Name?
It is not permissible for a woman to take her husband’s name or his family name because that is attributing oneself to someone other than one’s father, and the husband has no right to force his wife to change her surname to his.257,281Can One Name a Child with a Word From the Quran?
The Prophet did not urge us to choose names just because they are mentioned in the Quran. There are many names mentioned in the Quran that the Muslim is not allowed to give to his children such as Fir`awn (Pharaoh), Haman and Qarun.8,433- 4,510
Is it permissible to use the name Jalil?
- 6,574
Ruling on calling people by the names of Allah
- 7,158
Ruling on calling a daughter Hawwa’
- 8,926
Ruling on attributing oneself to one’s mother instead of one’s father
- 2,496
He recently became Muslim; how can he show that he is Muslim and how can he change his name?
- 11,375
Is an-Noor (the Light) one of the divine names?
- 5,877
Giving children the names of the Prophets who are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an