Sleeping Manners
- Can a Son Sleep Together with His Mother in Islam?It is not allowed for male children, if they are ten years old or more or have reached the age of puberty, to sleep with their mothers or sisters in the same bedding or mattress. Children less than ten years old are permitted to do so if there is a need, such as looking after them, provided there is no fear of temptation.83,900
- Is Dusting the Bed before Sleeping Sunnah?Dusting off the bed is Sunnah and it should be done when one wants to sleep. It may be done with the edge of one’s garment or something else.91,250
- Can a Woman Do Household Duties when She Is Junub?There is nothing wrong with a woman who is Junub cooking, looking after her house, taking care of her children or fulfilling any other needs.98,344
- How Many Hours Should We Sleep According to Islam?There is nothing in Shari`ah to suggest that a Muslim has to sleep at a certain time and wake up at a certain time, and Islam does not tell the Muslim to sleep a certain number of hours. That depends on people’s ages and natures, and how much rest their bodies need, and it also depends on the nature of their work.221,838
- Can You Sleep without Ghusl after Intercourse?It is permissible for one who is Junub to go to sleep before doing Ghusl, then wake up to do Ghusl before praying Fajr. But it is better for him to do Wudu before going to sleep, and if he does Ghusl that is best.19,647
- How Did Prophet Muhammad Sleep?Prophet Muhammad’s sleep routine: • He used to sleep sometimes on a mattress, sometimes on a leather mat, sometimes on a mat made of palm leaves, sometimes on the floor, sometimes on a bed, sometimes on the sand, and sometimes on a black cloak. • When he went to bed to sleep, he would say: “Allahumma bismika ahya wa amut.” • He used to sleep on his right side, putting his right hand under his right cheek. • When he woke up from sleep he would say: “Al-hamdu Lillah alladhi ahyana ba’d ma amatana wa ilayhi Al-nushur. • He used to sleep during the first part of the night and get up to pray during the last part. • His sleep was of the best length and it was the most beneficial of sleep. The doctors say that it is one-third of the night and day, namely eight hours.143,704
- Du’a before Sleeping (List of Sound Hadiths)There are so many sound du'as that you can say before sleeping that were narrated in the Prophet’s Sunnah. For more, see the detailed answer.205,564
- Commentary on the hadith of Ibn ‘Umar, “Whoever says following every prayer and when he goes to bed, ‘Allahu akbar ‘adad ash-shaf‘i wa’l-witr…’”47,308
- Which Verses to Recite before Sleeping?It is recommended to recite certain verses when he goes to bed such as: 1- Ayat Al-Kursiy, 2- the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah, 3- Surat Al-Isra’, 4- Surat Az-Zumar, 5- Surat Al-Kafirun, 6- the last three Surahs of the Quran.195,446
- When Should a Son Stop Sleeping in the Same Bed with His Mother in Islam?When the boy reaches the age of ten, he should not sleep in the same bed as his mother or his sister or any woman other than his wife. Therefore, it is not permissible for you to sleep in the same bed as your mother; rather you have to sleep in a separate bed.152,325