Honouring Parents
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Obedience to Parents in Bringing Them Medication
Whose Responsibility Is It to Look after Parents In Islam?
If the parents need to be looked after, it is obligatory for all their children, whether male or female, to help them, either by doing this themselves or by hiring someone to do it. But if a daughter’s husband prevents her from serving and helping her mother, then the husband’s right takes precedence, and she can make up for that by hiring a servant or by contributing to wages for a servant, if she has money.62,023Is a Son Responsible for His Father's Debt in Islam?
In Islam, a son is not automatically responsible for his father’s debts. The debt should be paid from the deceased’s estate before any inheritance is distributed among the heirs. If the father left no estate or assets, the son is not obligated to pay off the debt. However, it is considered an act of kindness to pay the debt voluntarily, especially if the son is capable.8,002Will You Be Forgiven If You Mistreat Your Parents in Islam?
All this person who mistreated his parents has to do now is hasten to repent for Allah has promised to accept the repentance of the one who repents. Regretting mistreating his parents is repentance in itself. After a parent's death, one can honour them by making a lot of du`a from them, doing righteous deeds on their behalf, and honouring their friends and loved ones.11,522- 5,162
Treating grandchildren fairly in terms of gift giving and showing kindness
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Is it better to do Hajj on behalf of the deceased or to use that money to set up ongoing charity on his behalf?
Does a woman have to obey her parents with regard to cutting her hair?
1.. If your parents instruct you to cut your hair in a permissible manner, you are not obliged to obey them in that, because obeying parents is only required in that which is beneficial to them. As for that in which there is no benefit for them, the child is not obliged to obey them in that. 2.. Even though obeying parents is not obligatory in this case, our advice to you, if cutting your hair will not look bad on you or harm you, and the most that can be said is that they are choosing for you something that you would not choose for yourself, is to obey them, even if you do so reluctantly and it goes against your preferences, because obeying parents is a means of pleasing them, and that in turn is a means of attaining the pleasure of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.8,895Ruling On Obeying Parents in Refraining from Having Children
Obeying parents in refraining from having children is not required for 2 reasons which are detailed below.4,757How to Reconcile Between Parents
Reconciling between parents will create a peaceful atmosphere in the home, and will enable them to give a good upbringing to their children. Find below 5 tips on how to reconcile between parents.6,231How to Be Dutiful to Parents in Islam
1- The rights of parents in Islam may be summed up as treating them well, and behaving with them kindly. 2- In order to be dutiful to your parents, you should obey them, do as they ask you and refrain from what they tell you not to do. 3- You can make du'a’ for your parents and pray for their forgiveness. For more, see the detailed answer.141,093