Gifts and Presents
- 7,954
His father gave him more than he gave to him; is this regarded as riba?
- 30,883
Is it permissible to accept a gift from a man who deals in riba?
- 8,122
Accepting a gift with strings attached from a non-Muslim
- 4,945
Buying back a gift from someone other than the one to whom it was given
- 10,845
Can a Muslim accept a gift from his kaafir brother?
- 7,737
Buying back a gift from the one to whom it was given
- 11,912
Accepting gifts and donations from haraam wealth
- 10,898
There is nothing wrong with accepting a gift and giving something of similar value to the giver
- 56,586
Which is better, giving a gift or giving charity?
- 15,993
The obligation to treat co-wives fairly in giving gifts