The difference between a bribe and a gift
What Is Considered Bribery in Islam?
It is not permissible to deal with bribes, either accepting them or giving them. This is a major sin in Islam. Exceptional cases are: 1- taking one’s right, 2- removing or alleviating wrongdoing, and 3- giving money to workers or offices to go to the official bodies and do what is needed.6,616Is Gift Giving a Form of Bribery in Islam?
Giving gifts is something that is encouraged, because it softens hearts and strengthens the bonds of Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood. Bribery is something that is forbidden, because of what it leads to of wrongdoing and transgressing people’s rights, and reinforcing selfishness. The difference between them is clear.4,546- 2,287
He paid a bribe to enter a specialty; is it permissible for him to use that certificate?
- 3,361
Paying a bribe to get to study in university
Paying a Civil Servant to Expedite Paperwork
With regard to what is given in order to be able to take what is one’s due or to ward off injustice, that is not included in the prohibition on bribes. For more, please see the detailed answer.4,766- 24,769
He got a promotion at work via bribery. Is his salary haraam?
- 18,698
What is the ruling on eating beef that the country imports via smuggling and bribery?
- 7,307
He gives an employee of the company a percentage to arrange a meeting between him and the manager
- 11,356
Hotel employee taking commission from taxi drivers for giving them passengers