Ruling on jobs
Is it permissible for an employee to make use of information from his previous company in his new job?
Ruling on working for disbelievers if the workplace is mixed and they talk about matters of their religion for hours
It is permissible to work for a disbeliever in jobs other than being a servant. It is not permissible for a Muslim to be hired by a disbeliever to do something that is not permissible for him to do, such as pressing grapes for wine, tending pigs, and so on. It is stipulated that he must adhere to Islamic rulings with regard to greeting others, offering condolences, offering congratulations, and so on. The basic principle is that it is prohibited to work in a mixed environment, because of the many evils and transgressions that result from that. The matter is more serious if that is mixing with the disbelievers, because there is a great deal of immorality and illicit relationships among them, and they talk about such matters.Ruling on a job delivering credit cards to customers
Woman working as a doctor in a mixed workplace
RSU (Restricted Stock Unit)
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What is the ruling on stores rounding up pennies and taking them without the customer’s knowledge?
Is It Prohibited to Deliver Non-Halal Food?
It is not permissible to work in delivering prohibited food such as that which contains pork or the meat of animals that were not slaughtered in the prescribed manner, or alcohol.100,139- 2,112
It is not permissible for one who applied for a job, if he is asked about the salary he is currently receiving, to lie about it
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Ruling on employee selling an air travel ticket or exchanging it for a cheaper airline
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What is the ruling on seeking compensation for unfair dismissal?