Sources for Islamic Rulings and Shariah
Why Do Muslims Pray Towards The Ka`bah?
We pray facing the direction of the Ka`bah in Makkah because Allah has commanded us to do that. If He had commanded us to pray facing in any other direction, we would have had to do that.71,470Some evidence from the Quran and Sunnah that scholarly consensus (ijma`) constitutes definitive proof
- 94,781
The saheeh Sunnah is wahy (Revelation) from Allah
- 112,694
Our attitude concerning da’eef (weak) ahaadeeth which speak of good deeds
- 45,024
Refutation of those who quote the Holy Quran to reject the Sunnah and justify not acting upon it
- 160,670
Ruling on one who rejects a saheeh hadith
- 42,664
Did Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqallaani regard it as permissible to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday (Mawlid)?
- 82,512
If the Quran is perfect and complete and contains everything needed for the laws and regulations of sharee‘ah, what need is there for the Sunnah?
Ruling on Imitating the Disbelievers
1- Islam forbids the Muslims to imitate the disbelievers, especially the Jews and Christians, but this prohibition does not apply to all their affairs, rather it applies to matters of their religion and things that are unique to them, by which they are known. 2- The Muslims have no need to imitate any of the other nations in matters of religious rituals and acts of worship. 3- The prohibition on imitating the disbelievers does not apply to the things that they do and invent from which Muslims may benefit. There is no sin on the Muslims if they share in that, rather the Muslims should be in the forefront of such things.190,137- 34,364
What is meant by the saying, “Whoever wants to follow a path, let him follow the path of one who has died, for the living are not safe from fitnah”?