Innovations in Religion and Worship
Commentary on two hadiths which speak of the prohibition on innovation and newly introduced matters
Is Group Dhikr Permissible?
Dhikr in general, if it involves raising the voice and reciting in unison, is a Bid`ah (innovation) that has been introduced into the religion and was not the practice of the righteous early generations.135,807Guidelines on Imitating Non-Muslims
Islam provides clear guidelines on the imitation of non-Muslims, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a distinct Islamic identity. While certain forms of imitation may be permissible, particularly in non-religious matters that do not contradict Islamic teachings, caution is necessary. Muslims are advised to avoid practices that are unique to non-Muslim religions or customs, especially those that may lead to a weakening of Islamic principles.119,991Accidentally Prayed in The Wrong Direction
If a Muslim does his best to figure out the direction of the Qiblah, and then prays but finds out later that he was mistaken, his prayer would still be valid.172,998- 2,100
Reminding people of prayer by saying “Prayer is better than Facebook”
Categories of Bid`ah and Shirk
1. Bid`ah is worshipping Allah in ways that Allah has not prescribed or it is worshipping Allah in ways that are not those of the Prophet or his rightly guided Caliphs. 2. Bid`ah which constitutes disbelief is when one denies a matter on which there is scholarly consensus, which is widely-known, and which no Muslim can have any excuse for not knowing. 3. Bid`ah which does not constitute disbelief is that which does not imply rejection of the Quran or of anything with which Allah sent His messengers. 4. Major Shirk is every type of Shirk which the Lawgiver described as such and which puts a person beyond the pale of his religion. 5. Minor Shirk means every kind of speech or action that Islam describes as Shirk, but it does not put a person beyond the pale of Islam.167,252Is Gender Reveal Part of the Unseen?
Gender reveal happens after the baby has been fully formed. Therefore, knowledge of whether it is male or female is no longer the matter of the unseen because once it has been fully formed it becomes the matter of the visible world.133,699- 2,185
Does the blessing mentioned in the verse {And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied} include all the ummah?
Why Don’t Muslims Celebrate Christmas If They Believe in Jesus?
Referring to the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday as proof that it is permissible to celebrate Christmas is a notion that is based on false premises, because celebrating the Prophet’s birthday is not permissible, as it is an innovation that has been introduced into the religion, and whatever is compared to an innovation (for the purpose of justifying it) is also an innovation.42,008Spreading Messages About New Year's Eve Dhikr and Quran Gatherings
It is prohibited to spread the messages that urge Muslims to gather to pray two Rak`ahs, or read Quran, or remember Allah, or offer Du`a on New Year's Eve. It is an innovation to adhere to these acts of worship on such occasions.85,544