Innovations in Religion and Worship
Is Reciting Surat Ad-Duha for Lost Items Allowed?
Singling out the recitation of Surat Ad-Duha when losing something comes under the heading of innovations that are invented by one who does not properly appreciate the Messenger of Allah.8,122- 3,663
Ruling on inviting people to fast together on a particular day and offer supplication (du`a) on that day
Can You Pray behind Someone Who Makes Mistakes in Al-Fatihah?
If the Imam’s mistakes do not alter the meaning of Al-Fatihah, there is nothing wrong with praying behind him. But if his mistake changes the meaning, then people should not pray behind him if he does not benefit from prompting.49,243Asking of Allah by Virtue of the Quran, Angels, Prophets and Companions
1- It is permissible for the supplicant to ask of his Lord by virtue of the Quran, because that comes under the heading of seeking to draw close to Allah by virtue of one of His attributes. 2- The most correct scholarly view is that it is prohibited to seek to draw close to Allah and ask of Him (Tawassul) by virtue of the Prophet. 3- Seeking to draw close to Allah by virtue of created beings comes under the heading of reprehensible innovation, and is objectionable according to what is commonly known among people and on the basis of the wording itself. 4- Seeking to draw close to Allah by virtue of the trumpet blast, and the progeny of Nuh, and the caliphate of As-Siddiq, and the courage of ‘Ali, and so on – is something that came about as a result of the supplicant’s attempt to be poetic and make things rhyme [in Arabic], without thinking about the meaning.11,245- 14,979
How should she react to her friends and the gifts that they offer her on her birthday?
- 2,907
Ruling on preparing a specific type of food for a new mother and those who come to visit her
- 9,077
Can a non-Arab say “the religion of our father Ibraaheem”?
Can You Utter Intention for Fasting Out Loud?
Fasting in Ramadan and other acts of worship are not valid unless accompanied by the proper intention and it is not prescribed to utter it out loud.92,250Singling Out Ayat to Recite at Times of Hardship and Difficulty
It is not permissible to single out certain verses of the Quran to recite for specific purposes, unless there is specific Shar`i evidence to that effect. Therefore, there is no specific surah to recite when in difficulty.143,485- 14,267
What is the ruling on making use of gifts that were previously received on birthdays and innovated festivals?