Belief in the Divine Will and Decree
- Why Did Allah Create Us If He Knows Everything?The purpose behind the creation of man, the heaven and earth, is that Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, may be known and that His Oneness (Tawhid) may be affirmed and that He may be obeyed. Allah does not admit people to Paradise or Hell simply because He knows that they deserve that, rather He will admit them to Paradise or Hell on the basis of the deeds that they actually did in this world. If Allah created mankind and put them in His Hell, they would soon argue that He did not test them or give them the chance to strive. Allah wanted to refute this argument, so He created them in this world and gave them reason, and revealed His Books, and sent His Messengers; all of that is so that they will have no argument against Allah on the Day of Resurrection.102,148
- He cites the divine decree as an argument when he commits sin, and says “Allah ghalib (Allah’s decree always prevails)”
- Is It Prohibited to Change Your Gender?While corrective surgeries may be permissible in cases of ambiguous intersex, gender transformation surgeries that aim to change one’s gender from male to female or vice versa are not allowed, as they reflect discontent with Allah’s creation and can lead to significant physical and psychological harm.152,879
- Is One’s Spouse Written in Islam?Man has freedom of will through which he can choose whichever woman he wishes to marry, and that whatever choice he makes has already been decreed by Allah.116,248
- Can You Quote Al-Qadar as an Excuse for Committing Sins?1. Quoting Al-Qadar as an excuse for committing sin or for not doing obligatory duties is a false excuse, according to Shari`ah, common sense and reality. 2. Al-Qadar may be invoked when calamities befall a person such as poverty and sickness, loss of a loved one, destruction of crops, loss of wealth, accidental killing, and so on. 3. Some of the scholars said that one of those who are justified in referring to Al-Qadar as an excuse is the one who repents from sin.40,045
- Reconciling the Divine Decree and Free WillThere is no contradiction between the fact that things are decreed and written, and the fact that we have free will when doing them, for we do not know what is written and we feel that we have complete freedom to choose what actions to take, and we distinguish between involuntary actions such as the heartbeat and the activity of the intestines, and voluntary actions that we do with our hands or feet or eyes and so on.22,818
- Does Man Have Free Will and Choice?1. The accountable person is free to choose whether to obey or disobey of his own free will, and he will be requited for that. 2. Allah knows what His slave’s fate will be, and He has written that with Him. 3. Allah supports and helps His believing slave, and He knows best who is deserving of support and help. 4. Allah forsakes whomever He will, and does not grant him support or help him. His support is based on His grace and His forsaking is based on His justice. 5. The one who is helped is the one who asks Allah for support and help. 6. The believing slave affirms the grace of Allah, acknowledges the blessings that He has bestowed upon him, and attributes all goodness and success to Him.18,707
- Ruling on saying “I am in charge of my destiny”6,527
- Is it permissible to say, “You got a cold because of changes in the weather”?7,179
- Are rizq (provision) and marriage written in al-Lawh al-Mahfooz?109,824