Belief in Divinely-revealed Books
Is It Prohibited to Read the Bible?
It is permissible for a scholar who has insight to read the Torah, Gospel and Zabur in order to refute Jewish and Christian opponents of Islam. Ordinary Muslims have no right to do that; rather if they have anything of the Torah or Gospel or Zabur, they must bury it in a clean place or burn it so that no one will be misguided by it60,594- 1,994
Written Khul’ and Dhihar
Are the Torah, Gospel and Zabur Truly the Words of Allah?
Nothing of the words of Allah is created. He spoke the Torah, the Gospel, the Quran and the Zabur in a real sense. Similarly, not a single letter of the Quran is created. It is all the words of Allah in a real sense. The same is also true of the Torah, the Gospel and the Zabur. We do not differentiate between the Messengers of Allah, and we do not differentiate between the revealed Books; all of them are the words of Allah.72,865Belief of the Salaf Concerning the Quran
The Salaf believe that the Quran was revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad piecemeal over twenty-three years in accordance with the Wisdom of Allah. The Salaf also believe that the Quran is from Allah in the first place and it will return to Him at the end of time.33,756What Do Muslims Think about the Gospels?
1. Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Gospel (Injil) to His Prophet `Isa (Jesus). Muslims also believe that, apart from the Quran, no book remained as it was revealed by Allah, neither the Gospel nor anything else. 2. There are four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Christians agreed that Luke and Mark did not see the Messiah (peace be upon him), rather he was seen by Matthew and John. The four Gospels were written by these men after the Messiah had been taken up into heaven.44,054Is Mishandling the Torah and Gospel Permissible?
It is not permissible to mishandle the Torah and the Gospel because they still contain something of the words of Allah, and because they contain some of the names and attributes of Allah.8,136- 10,041
The Scriptures of Ibraaheem are among the divinely-revealed books that we must believe in, but we do not know anything about them except what Allah has told us
The number of books that Allah, may He be exalted, sent down
What is required of the Muslim is to believe in all the books that were sent down from Allah, may He be exalted. So we believe in general terms in the books of which we do not know the details, without specifying their number, for Allah knows best about that. And we believe in the books that we know, according to what we know of their details from the texts of Revelation. As for the hadith mentioned, it does not have any reliable chain of narration (isnaad).43,869- 42,713
What happened to the Scripture of Ibraaheem and the Zaboor of Dawood (peace be upon them)?
What Is the Evidence that Islam Is True?
The evidence that Islam is true and that Prophet Muhammad is the true messenger of Allah is abundant and can hardly be enumerated. See the detailed answer for more information.169,147