Torment and Blessing in the Grave
- 20,241
How will the souls of the disbelievers be restored after their bodies were burned?
- 52,044
The life of the righteous in their graves is the life of al-barzakh and no one knows how it really is except Allah
Will Everyone Be Punished in the Grave?
1- Punishment of the grave will be for many of the sinners among those who affirmed the Oneness of Allah, such as those who slept and (intentionally) missed obligatory prayers, or those who committed Zina, consumed Riba (usury/interest) and liars whose lies spread far and wide. 2- The squeezing of the grave will happen to everyone; even the righteous among the believers will experience some of that.59,935- 235,634
Stages of trials for the deceased in his grave and du‘aa’ for him at that time
- 41,735
What is the language in which people will be addressed in al-Barzakh?
- 95,198
Good deeds appear in the form of a man in the grave
- 57,321
Have some people already been brought to account and admitted to Paradise or Hell?
- 111,017
What is the situation in the grave of a child who died before adolescence?
Punishment in the Grave: Why?
The punishment of the grave may be for sins of the heart, the eye, the ear, the mouth, the tongue, the stomach, the private parts, the hand, the foot, and the entire body.251,073- 47,745
Do the blessing and torment in the grave happen to both the body and the soul or to one of them only?