What is the ruling on saying: I swear by the most solemn oath?
He vowed to fast for ten days if he passed his exams; does he have to fast them consecutively?
He swore that something had happened on the basis of what he thought was most likely, then it turned out to be different than what he thought. What must he do?
What is the ruling on swearing oaths that one may say without meaning it, or by way of a threat?
No expiation is required for the oath that you do not mean; rather you say it as a matter of habit without intending it, because you are used to doing that and you do not intend to swear an oath as such. As for the oath that you intend and say deliberately, then expiation is required [if you break the oath], whether you meant to commit yourself to it or meant it as a threat.Is it permissible to swear by religion, such as if the one who is swearing an oath says: “By my religion”?
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She swore an oath regarding her husband, and he did not fulfil her oath because he forgot
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Is it permissible to ask a non-Muslim to swear by what he venerates?
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Swearing to Pray if She breaks an Oath or She is Not a Muslim
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Breaking an Oath For Several Years
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Expiating by Feeding Non-Muslims