What Happens If You Do Not Offer Ud-hiyah for Years?
If a person does not offer Ud-hiyah although he can afford to do so, he is missing out on a lot of reward that results from offering the sacrifice, but he is not sinning, and he does not have to make up for what he missed in years past.73,715- 1,675
What is the ruling on charities slaughtering udhiyah (sacrifices) without mentioning the donors by name at the time of slaughter?
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His sacrifice (udhiyah) was slaughtered without him giving any instruction to that effect
- 6,319
Is his and his brother’s udhiyah (Eid sacrifice) valid, when their father is spending on them and he does not pray?
- 10,687
Ruling on playing with the sacrificial animals for fun, and enjoying watching the rams butt heads and fight with one another
- 10,724
The owner of the udhiyah says Bismillah and says niyyah the out loud, but delegates another man to do the slaughtering
- 24,344
Is it valid for both spouses to contribute to the price of a sheep for udhiyah (sacrifice)?
- 14,011
He appointed him to slaughter the udhiyah, but Eid in the country of the person appointed to do that comes before Eid in the country of the one who appointed him
Buying a share (in an animal) for the udhiyah, sharing with one who wants to offer a wedding feast, and the minimum amount that is required for the wedding feast
Based on that: There is nothing wrong with you sharing the purchase of the cow with your relatives, so that you will have one seventh of the cow, which you will intend as an udhiyah – but less than one seventh will not be acceptable as a sacrifice on your part – and they will dispose of the rest of it in whatever manner they like, whether for a wedding feast or otherwise. But we should point out that the minimum age of a cow for it to be acceptable as a sacrifice is two years; anything younger than that will not be acceptable, even if it has a lot of meat. Please see question no. 41899. And Allah knows best.14,060Is Udhiyah Obligatory?
Scholars have different views on the ruling of udhiyah. Most of the scholars are of the view that udhiyah is Sunnah, and is not obligatory.39,109