Funerals and rulings on graves
How to Shroud a Martyr in Islam
Shrouding a martyr in the clothes in which they were killed is a practice deeply rooted in Islamic tradition, with scholars differing on whether it is a recommended or obligatory action. The Hadiths of the Prophet emphasise the importance of maintaining the martyr's dignity and honour during the burial process. While consensus exists regarding the removal of weapons, opinions vary on other items.16,929Who Pays for Funeral Expenses?
If the deceased has any money then the expenses of preparing him for burial should be paid from his own money. If the deceased does not have any wealth, then shrouding him or her is the duty of the one who is obliged to spend on him or her (such as the father, son or husband). If there is no such person, then it must be done by Bayt Al-Mal. If there is no Bayt Al-Mal then it must be done by the Muslims. Because the husband is obliged to spend on his wife when she is alive, shrouding her is obligatory for him. But a wife is not obliged to shroud her husband, because she is not obliged to spend on him when he is alive.37,157Offering supplication for the deceased after the burial is Sunnah
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Ruling on offering the funeral prayer for the deceased individually
Are Gravestones Prohibited in Islam?
There is nothing wrong with marking a grave with a stone or a piece of wood to know where it is. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) marked the grave of `Uthman ibn Madh`un.205,497Suicide in Islam
Suicide is a major sin in Islam. Prophet Muhammad stated that the one who commits suicide will be punished with what he used to kill himself. Suicide is not disbelief that puts a person beyond the pale of Islam, as some people think. Rather it is a major sin that is subject to the Will of Allah on the Day of Resurrection: if He Wills, He will forgive it, and if He Wills He will punish for it. The Prophet refrained from offering the funeral prayer for one who had committed suicide, as a punishment to him and so as to deter others from doing the same. But he allowed people to offer the funeral prayer for him, so it is Sunnah for the people of knowledge and virtue not to offer the funeral prayer for one who has committed suicide.277,183Can You Talk to The Dead in Islam?
What is prescribed when visiting graves is to greet the dead with Salam and offer supplication for them, not to talk to them. If it so happens that someone does speak to the deceased, it cannot be said that it is an act of polytheism or that it is prohibited; rather it may be said that it is not prescribed and it may lead to that which is prohibited, so the best is to refrain from doing that.3,010- 2,000
What is the ruling on environmentally-friendly burial (“tree-pod burial”)?
Should Animals Be Buried When They Die?
If the Muslims will be harmed by an animal when it dies and bothered by its smell, then it is obligatory to bury it or take it far away from the highways and byways used by the people.124,758- 6,659
Reading quran for the deceased