Hadith & its SciencesView›
Answers: 72
Subcategories: 4

The Quran and its SciencesView›
Answers: 131
Subcategories: 3

Fiqh of the familyView›
Answers: 111
Subcategories: 18

Principles of FiqhView›
Answers: 12
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Etiquette, Morals and Heart-SoftenersView›
Answers: 23
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Knowledge & PropagationView›
Answers: 8
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Psychological and Social ProblemsView›
Answers: 272
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Islamic history and biographyView›
Answers: 67
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Pedagogy education and upbringingView›
Answers: 13
Subcategories: 2

Belief in the Last Day and the Signs of the Hour
Will the drying up of Lake Tiberias happen at the time of the Mahdi?
The drying up of the Sea of Galilee, which is also known as Lake Tiberias, is not a sign of the emergence of the Mahdi; rather it will only happen after the time of the Mahdi has ended, and it will happen as a result of the actions of Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj.25,548He is asking: will he be aware of what happens to him and to his soul after death?
34,861The one whose good deeds outweigh his bad deeds will enter Paradise and will be safe from punishment
15,452Ruling on the one who denies the Hereafter, and how to convince him
23,558He is denying the torment of the grave on the grounds that if he were to open a grave he would not see any change
20,802The believers’ joy at meeting Allah
20,094When will Death be slaughtered? What will be the condition of those who committed major sin, in al-barzakh?
16,883Will the one whose good deeds outweigh his bad deeds in the Balance be punished in his grave?
40,936Will the disbelievers pass over the siraat, and how is it compared with the siraat mentioned in the books of the Zoroastrians [Magians] and others?
20,036Will the events of the Day of Judgement affect that which lies beyond this realm, such as Paradise and Hell?