Funerals and rulings on graves
- 6,811
A dhimmi woman who dies when she is pregnant with a Muslim child
- 6,767
Christian wife is insisting that her Muslim husband be buried in a Christian graveyard
- 67,509
How can he seek the forgiveness of one who has died?
- 7,903
Ruling on one spouse washing the other when he or she has died
- 9,275
Women’s bad behaviour in graveyards
- 16,288
Preaching to people in the graveyard after the burial
- 12,649
Funeral prayer for one who is lost at sea
- 7,366
Moving the grave of a foetus buried in land that is to be sold
- 14,597
Burial in non-Muslim graveyards
- 24,622
Consolation for a mother whose son has passed away