Cleaning oneself after defecating or urinating
Is it acceptable to clean oneself with pebbles after relieving oneself if what came out goes beyond the exit point?
How Does a Muslim Clean Himself after Using the Toilet?
1- When a person relieves himself, he must cleanse himself of impurities either with water – which is best and most perfect – or with something other than water which will remove the impurities, such as toilet paper, fabric, stones or something else. 2- You have no excuse for not praying or for delaying the prayer beyond the appointed time because you are unable to do Istinja’ since you can remove the impurity and cleanse yourself of it using tissues and the like.124,655What Happens If Istinja’ Water Enter the Urethra?
If someone causes water, oil or anything else to enter the urethra then it comes out, it is impure and invalidates Wudu. This applies if the water reaches the inside, in the sense that when it comes out it is regarded as coming out from the passage. But if it only reaches the opening of the penis, which is regarded as pure, and it does not go any deeper, then it has no impact.18,522How Did the Prophet Clean Himself after Relieving Himself?
1. Prophet Muhammad was economical in his use of water when purifying himself; he would not use too much of it to the extent that he would do Wudu with a Mudd of water. 2. If the Prophet needed to clean himself after relieving himself, or to remove any filth, he would do that directly with his left hand. 3. When the Prophet came out of the place where he went to relieve himself, he would rub his hand on the ground, as noted in the Hadith of Maymunah, then he would “wash his private parts. Then he rubbed his hand on the ground.”15,967- 29,250
Is it permissible for a woman to clean herself with pebbles (istijmaar) after urinating?
- 75,563
One should not exaggerate in cleaning oneself after relieving oneself
- 39,670
The person who is suffering from urinary incontinence does not have to wash himself before the time for prayer ends
- 67,861
Entering the washroom with a ring on which the name ‘Abd-Allah is written
May One Suffice With Toilet Paper Only?
After relieving oneself, it is obligatory to remove impurity, whether it is removed with water or something else, such as stones or paper or tissues, but using water is best.114,306- 72,524
Entering the toilet with a mobile phone on whose screen is the name of Allah