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The difference between maniy (semen) and madhiy (prostatic fluid) in terms of their characteristics
Can You Make Wudu with Sunblock On?
If the sunblock did not have any substance, or it had substance but it dissolved when water touched the skin, then it does not matter if you were wearing it while doing Wudu. However, if the sunblock has substance and does not dissolve in water, then Wudu and Ghusl done with it on the skin are not valid, and you must repeat the prayers that you offered after you did Wudu having put sunblock on your skin.5,156- 3,024
The basic principle is that the water in swimming pools is pure unless it is known to be impure
Can You Read the Quran from a Computer?
There is no difference between reading the Quran from the Mus-haf or reading from an electronic Mus-haf, or from pages on the Internet, or from the screen of a mobile phone. There is nothing wrong with reading the Quran from the computer screen without Wudu.42,411Substances that Prevent Water from Reaching the Skin in Wudu
The substances that prevent water from reaching the skin are substances that have “mass” and are usually waterproof, so they do not dissolve and are not removed by putting water on them.66,268Types of Purity and Impurity in Islam
1. Purity in Islam is of two types: tangible purity and intangible purity. Impurity is also of two types: tangible impurity and intangible impurity. 2. Tangible purity is the purity from ritual impurity and tangible impurity. 3. Tangible impurity is things that the Lawgiver has deemed to be impure and filthy. 4. Intangible purity is the purity of the believer, who is free of Shirk and disbelief. 5. Intangible impurity is the impurity of disbelief, evildoing and sin.14,347Discovering Discharges After Prayer
• If you are certain that the discharge came out while you were praying, or before you prayed [and after you did Wudu], then your prayer is invalid, and you have to clean yourself, purify your clothing and body of whatever got onto them, and do Wudu again and repeat the prayer. • If you are not sure whether the discharge came out while you were praying, or before or after that, then you do not have to repeat anything, because the basic principle is that you started praying in a state of purity, and the prayer cannot be deemed invalid on the basis of mere uncertainty.30,875Wisdom Behind Purification in Islam
The wisdom behind purification in Islam includes: 1. Purification is in harmony with the sound nature (fitrah) that Allah, may He be exalted, instilled in people. 2. Islam is a religion of cleanliness and beauty, and it encourages its followers to stand out among other people by cleaning their bodies, combing their hair, wearing the purest of clothes and smelling good. 3. Modern, well-founded scientific studies have proven that cleanliness and purification protect a person from many diseases, and that filth is the cause of many diseases. 4. The Muslim is required to meet and converse with his Lord, may He be exalted [in prayer]. 5. Whoever strives to purify his body and clothes from filth and impurities should be even keener to purify his heart and soul of bad characteristics.10,621- 5,930
Ruling on purifying oneself with water that has changed due to rust
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On principle, an incident should be thought of as having happened at the closest time, and this applies to one who did ghusl, then noticed something on his body that prevented water from reaching the skin