Full Ablution
- 2,324
How can he do ghusl whilst wearing a Holter monitor to monitor heart activity?
- 2,913
Bleeding that occurs after an egg retrieval procedure – does it necessitate ghusl?
- 4,656
Does wearing a glucose monitoring patch affect ghusl for janabah?
- 11,883
He did ghusl for Jumu‘ah and did not do wudu; does he have to repeat the prayer?
- 12,058
She had an erotic dream during her menses; does she have to do ghusl in order to be able to read Quran?
- 4,786
How to do ghusl for one who wears adhesive tape on his body to hold an insulin pump
- 8,028
Ruling on doing wudu during ghusl from janaabah in a shower stall
Is It Obligatory to Wash Body Parts Consecutively in Ghusl?
1. Washing the parts of the body in order and consecutively when doing Ghusl is not obligatory according to the majority of jurists. 2. The more correct scholarly view is that rinsing the mouth and nose is obligatory in both Wudu and Ghusl. 3. If a man or woman does Ghusl to remove major impurity, this Ghusl counts for Wudu too. 4. Wudu and Ghusl are valid even if any bits of food remain between the teeth, but removing them is better.17,279- 33,992
He forgot to rinse his mouth and nose when doing ghusl for janaabah
- 21,914
The best remedy for treating compulsive intrusive thoughts (waswaas) concerning purification and other matters