Conditions for Zakah Being Obligatory
The minimum threshold for gold and silver is based on pure gold and silver
Does a small decrease in the minimum threshold (nisab) affect zakah?
How to Calculate Zakah on Cash
The way to work out the Zakah on cash is to give 25 Riyals for every thousand. So if you have ten thousand, the Zakah is 250 Riyals. Or you can divide the amount you have by forty, and whatever results from that division is the amount of Zakah that must be paid.6,035- 1,503
The zakah year for rental income begins from the day the contract is drawn up, not from when rent is first received
- 3,505
If he sells the gold and buys shares, does that interrupt the zakaah year for the gold?
- 9,774
One who uses a trick to get out of paying zakaah is sinning and the obligation of paying zakaah is not waived in his case
- 6,045
He did not pay zakah for ten years and he does not know the amount on which he should pay zakah for those years
- 10,090
Is it permissible to delay giving zakah for fear that one might need the money in the future?
- 3,736
He bought an apartment and delayed payment to its owner; does he have to pay zakaah on this money that is in his possession?
- 8,895
Giving zakah before the wealth reaches the minimum threshold (nisaab), and mistakes in giving zakah