Zakah ‘urood al-tijaarah (Zakah on trade goods)
- 530
He invested his money in business with someone; does he have to give zakah on both the capital and the profit, and how should he give it?
He Does Not Have Cash to Pay Zakah on Trade Goods
You must pay Zakah on the land which has been in your possession for a year. You have to determine the value of the land at the end of the year and pay one-quarter of ten percent. If you do not have cash to pay the Zakah on trade goods, then it becomes a debt that you owe and must be paid whenever possible.13,305Is There Zakah Due on Factory Products?
Zakah is due on the products that are ready for market, and also on the raw materials because they were bought with the intention of processing them and trading in them. Zakah must be paid on gold, silver and cash, and also on trade goods, livestock and anything extracted from the ground. Zakah must also be paid on the balances in the bank. Zakah must also be paid on debts that are owed to you by others.3,183- 2,383
How is the hijri year worked out for trade goods if they were bought with cash?
How to Give Zakah on Computer Apps and Software Programs
If you develop computer apps and software programs and offer them for sale and they reach the nisab, then you must work out their value based on the current market value and give 2.5% as the due zakah. If the program is not for sale; rather the one who wants it may use it in return for a payment, whilst ownership remains in the hands of the producer, then that is not subject to zakat on trade goods.4,896- 9,030
Selling old coins for more than their face value
- 6,216
He bought Islamic sukuk; does he have to pay zakaah on the profits or on both the profits and the principal?
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How should each partner pay his share of zakah on trade goods when one full (Hijri) year has passed on his wealth?
- 2,937
If he is hesitant about whether he wants to sell the land, then there is no zakaah on it
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Ruling on delaying zakaah on trade goods due to lack of cash flow; does he have to borrow money in order to give zakaah?