Mahram to Travel with Women
`Umrah without a Mahram
A woman who does not have a Mahram to travel with does not have to go for Hajj or `Umrah and she is excused if she does not go. It is prohibited for her to travel for Hajj or for any other reason without a Mahram, and she has to be patient until Allah makes it easy for one of her Mahrams to travel with her.177,546Can Women Do Tawaf without a Mahram?
It is permissible for a woman, if she is in Makkah, to go walking from the hotel to the Haram without a Mahram, and to do Tawaf likewise, because it is only necessary to have a Mahram for travelling; inside the city it is not essential to have a Mahram.39,744Can Women Travel to Seek Knowledge without a Mahram?
It is not permissible for a woman to travel to seek knowledge without a Mahram. She should acquire the knowledge that she needs in the many ways that are available such as listening to tapes, asking scholars over the phone and other means that Allah has made available in these times.90,824- 6,964
What is the duty of the mahram towards his female relative who needs him to help her in her day-to-day affairs?
- 32,446
Should she study in a mixed university or should she stay in a city without a mahram and study in a university that is not mixed?
- 11,658
Is it essential that the mahram for travel be a husband? Can the wife refuse him as her mahram (for travel)?
Can a disbeliever be regarded as a mahram for his Muslim sister when travelling?
Conclusion: your brother may be your mahram for the purpose of travel if he is trustworthy. We ask Allah, may He be exalted, to guide him. And Allah knows best.27,683Can My Daughters Do `Umrah with My Nephews?
No, your daughters cannot do `Umrah with your nephews as their only companion if they have reached puberty. Although nephews are Mahrams for aunts (you), they are not Mahram for your daughters. This guideline ensures women’s travel aligns with the principles mentioned in Hadith.16,739- 29,152
Can a boy who is nine years old be a mahram when travelling?
- 40,546
Woman travelling with the driver in one car, and her mahram in another car, travelling with her