Types of Ritual
When to Enter Ihram for Hajj Tamattu`
The one who is doing Hajj Tamattu` enters Ihram on the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah from the place where he is staying. When he enters Ihram for Hajj, he does the same as he did when he entered Ihram for `Umrah, doing Ghusl and putting on perfume.22,681- 7,656
The one who is doing tamattu‘ must do sa‘i twice – once for ‘umrah and once for Hajj
- 7,984
Is it permissible to change one’s intention from tamattu‘ to qiraan for one who has not brought a sacrificial animal with him?
- 10,515
How often should the one who is doing Hajj tamattu‘ perform tawaaf and sa‘i?
- 6,021
She does Hajj as other people do, and she is not aware of the three types of Hajj
- 6,975
Joining Hajj with ‘umrah before shaving the head
- 38,139
Specifying the name of the person on whose behalf the sacrifice is being offered
How to Perform Hajj
This is how to perform hajj: 1. The pilgrim should enter ihram on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah; 2. Then he should go to Mina and stay there overnight; 3. When the sun rises on the ninth day he should proceed to `Arafah; 4. When the sun sets, he should proceed to Muzdalifah; 5. Then he should move on to Mina to stone Jamrat al-‘Aqabah; 6. Then he should slaughter the hadiy; 7. Then he should shave his head if he is male; women should cut their hair but not shave it; 8. Then he should go to Makkah and perform the tawaf of Hajj; 9. Then he should go back to Mina and stone the three Jamarat (stone pillars); 10. When he has finished stoning the pillars on the twelfth of Dhu’l-Hijjah, if he wishes he may hasten and leave Mina; 11. Once those days are over and the pilgrim wants to leave, he must not leave until he has performed the farewell tawaf, going around the Ka`bah seven times.33,092- 16,207
The one who is doing Hajj qiraan has to do one tawaaf and one saa‘i
Can We Do ‘Umrah During the Months of Hajj?
It is permissible to do ‘Umrah during the months of Hajj and there is no difference of opinion amongst the scholars concerning that.44,456