Issues of Pilgrimage
10 Effects of Sins in Islam
Effects of Sins include: Deprivation of knowledge. Deprivation of provision. A sense of alienation from one’s Lord and from other people. Increased difficulties in life. Darkness within the heart. Deprivation of worship and obedience. One sin leads to another, until sin dominates the person, leaving them unable to escape. Weakening of willpower. Desensitization, causing one to no longer find sin abhorrent. Leaving a stain or mark on the heart.249,071Is doing the Tawaf circuits consecutively Essential?
Doing the Tawaf circuits consecutively is a condition of it being valid, according to the most correct scholarly view. However, a brief interruption between them does not matter. If the Iqamah for prayer is given when you are doing Tawaf, then you should pray, then complete Tawaf from where you left off in order to pray.32,497Can We Take a Bath after Wearing Ihram?
It is permissible for the pilgrim to take a bath after wearing Ihram for the sake of cleanliness. It is also permissible to change his Ihram garments for cleaner or newer ones.22,728- 1,901
Is it permissible for one who wants to hasten his departure to appoint someone else to stone the jamarat, because it is difficult for him to reach the jamarat before sunset?
- 3,065
Some blood from slaughtering the sacrifice got onto his ihram garments
- 2,997
I did Hajj tamattu‘ for two years, but did not offer a sacrifice and did not fast ten days, because I was unaware of the ruling, and that was not deliberate. What must I do now?
Ruling on one who stoned the jamarat during the adhan of Maghrib or after that on the thirteenth [of Dhul-Hijjah]
If the sun set and the adhan was given for Maghrib on the thirteenth of Dhul-Hijjah before you stoned the middle jamrah or the largest one, then the time for stoning the jamarat had ended, and whatever stoning was done after the adhan is invalid, so you have to offer a compensatory sacrifice. The same is also required of your father. So you can delegate someone to slaughter two sheep on your behalf in Makkah, and distribute the meat among the poor of Makkah.3,192- 3,066
He repeated tawaf and sa‘i when he should not have repeated them. Does he have to do anything to compensate for that, and will they be regarded as supererogatory in his case?
- 4,532
Delegating Someone to Pelt the Jamarah, Then the Excuse Ceases to Exist
- 2,096
If someone appointed him to do Hajj on his behalf, which type of Hajj should he choose?