Hukm al-Hajj wa’l-‘Umrah (rulings on Hajj and ‘Umrah)
- 11,457
Does he have to do ‘umrah if he has money but he needs to complete his studies?
- 35,163
Soundness of the hadith “Whoever is not prevented from doing Hajj by genuine need, an oppressive ruler or debilitating sickness, and dies without having done Hajj, let him die if he wishes as a Jew or if he wishes as a Christian”
- 28,329
The virtue of an accepted Hajj that is mentioned in a hadith is general and is applicable to both obligatory and voluntary Hajj
- 20,994
Ruling on wearing ordinary clothing over the izaar and rida’ [ihram garments] before starting the rituals
- 26,580
His wife is breastfeeding; should he delay Hajj until next year?
Is Doing Multiple ‘Umrahs in One Trip Allowed?
The majority of scholars have allowed one who performs `Umrah to perform another one during the same journey especially if he is from outside Makkah and it is a long journey and difficult to return once more.205,874- 15,454
Hastening to fulfil the obligation of Hajj
Islamic Etiquettes During Travel
Some of the etiquettes of travelling in Islam include: • Consulting those whose religious commitment, experience and knowledge you trust about travelling at that time. • Seeking Allah’s guidance by praying Istikharah • Seeking to please your parents • Ensuring that your funds are lawfully earned and free from any suspicion • Seeking a companion who desires good and hates evil • Bidding farewell to your family, neighbours, friends and all your loved ones • Saying the reported Du`a when leaving your house • Setting out at the end of the night • Saying Takbir when going up a rise in the land and saying Tasbih when going down into valleys • Making Du`a most of the time when travelling • Trying to remain in a state of purity and to pray on time50,668- 23,161
‘Umrah is mustahabb at any time in Ramadan
- 22,224
He entered ihram for ‘umrah at the end of Sha’baan and performed it in Ramadan; will he have the reward of ‘Umrah in Ramadaan?