Abandoning or Neglecting Salaat
Punishment for Apostasy in Islam
The apostate is not to be put to death immediately after he falls into apostasy, especially if has doubts. Rather he should be asked to repent and be offered the opportunity to return to Islam and resolve his doubts, if any. If he persists in his apostasy after that, he is to be put to death.174,941Is the Calamity of One Who Doesn’t Pray Greater than that of Iblis?
The meaning of the phrase that says the calamity of one who does not pray is greater than the calamity that befell Iblis is not correct for several reasons which are detailed below.7,166- 89,957
When is a person regarded as neglecting prayer, and what is the ruling on him?
Should one who does not pray be treated as an apostate?
Conclusion: The view that the one who does not pray is a disbeliever does not imply that a specific individual is to be deemed an apostate with consequences such as annulling his marriage, depriving him of inheritance, not burying him in the Muslim graveyard, and so on. Such measures cannot be taken until after the shar‘i judge (qadi) has ruled that he is an apostate. Before that, he is to be treated as one who is outwardly Muslim.15,374Fard (obligatory) prayer takes precedence over nafl (supererogatory) prayer, carries more weight, and it is greater in reward
Conclusion: Omitting prayer is one of the gravest of major sins that could bring about a person’s doom. Whoever omits a single prayer deliberately has exposed himself to the wrath, disgrace and punishment of Allah. No one knows how long any of the sinners among those who affirm the oneness of Allah will abide in hell, but they will vary in that regard.24,318- 30,637
The virtue of one who regularly offers the five daily prayers and does them as enjoined
- 13,732
Ruling on one who offers an udhiyah but does not pray
- 9,270
Her husband’s father does not pray because he denies that it is obligatory; how should she interact with him?
- 66,082
He has repented from not praying or giving zakah; does he have to make them up?
- 25,779
She stopped praying when she was sick, then she died; do her heirs have to do anything?