Prostration when reading Quran and Prostration of thanksgiving
Is Sujud At-Tilawah Allowed at Times Prayer is Forbidden?
The correct view is that it is permissible to offer Sujud At-Tilawah when reciting one of the Quranic verses of prostration, even at times when prayer is not allowed. Similarly, it is permissible to offer Salat At-Tawbah during these times.24,143- 895
When the worshipper stands up after the prostration of recitation, he should say takbeer for bowing, raising his hands
Takbir for the prostration of recitation in the prayer
The majority of scholars are of the view that one should say takbir for the prostration of recitation in the prayer, when going down into prostration and when rising from it. This view is the more correct view regarding this issue, because it is in accordance with the general meaning of the hadiths about saying takbir in the prayer when moving up and down, and because we may draw an analogy with all the other prostrations in the prayer, and because there is a need for it, so that people can follow the imam in the prayer.2,169All About Prostration of Gratitude
1. The prostration of gratitude is one of the greatest acts by which a person may express gratitude to his Lord because of what it involves of humbling oneself before Allah and thanking Allah in one’s heart, in one’s words and in one’s actions. 2. The correct view is that the prostration of gratitude is not subject to the same stipulations as for prayer, such as purifying oneself, covering one’s `Awrah (which includes Hijab for women), turning to face the Qiblah, and so on.12,082- 14,929
Ruling on the imam doing the prostration of gratitude (sujood ash-shukr) during the Friday khutbah
- 49,908
Should the prostration of recitation be repeated if the verse of prostration is repeated for the purpose of memorisation?
How to Do Sujud al-Tilawah
Sujud al-tilawah is Sunnah not obligatory. It is not essential to have wudu for sujud al-tilawah. There is no salam or takbir when coming up from sujud al-tilawah. It is prescribed to say takbir when prostrating. The same dhikr and du`as are prescribed in sujud al-tilawah as in the prostration during prayer.308,027- 27,855
Is it permissible to stick to tasbeeh and dhikr instead of sujood al tilaawah (prostration of recitation)?
- 58,328
It is not prescribed to do a single prostration for the sake of du`a’
- 12,643
What should the person praying behind an imam do if he recites a verse in which there is a sajdah (prostration)?