Call for prayer
- 13,534
If a man or a woman pray at home, should they say the adhan and iqamah for prayer?
- 28,776
Is it permissible to listen to the adhaan at times other than the times of prayer?
Can You Give Adhan Sitting Down?
The Sunnah is for the Mu’adhdhin to give the Adhan while standing. If he gives the Adhan whilst sitting or lying down without an excuse, his Adhan is valid but disliked.19,152Is Adhan Necessary for Prayer?
1- The correct view is that adhan is fard kifayah (a communal obligation); if someone who is competent does it, the rest are absolved of sin. 2- If a person starts to pray without the adhan or iqamah, whether out of forgetfulness or ignorance, or for some other reason, the prayer is still valid. 3- If a muadhdhin gives the adhan in one neighborhood and all the residents can hear it, that is sufficient. For more, see the detailed answer.162,709- 12,644
Sending blessings upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when the iqaamah is pronounced
- 16,619
He forgot some of the words of the iqaamah for prayer; should he repeat the iqaamah?
Is There Adhan or Iqamah for Nafl Prayers?
The adhan and iqamah are only for the obligatory prayers. But for Tarawih, Witr and other optional (nafl) prayers, there is no adhan or iqamah.24,869Iqamah: How Is It Done?
Two forms of the iqamah have been narrated from Prophet Muhammad (peaceand blessings be upon him); one form has 11 phrases and the other has 17 phrases.192,819- 9,021
If a person did not hear some of the phrases of the adhaan, it is not prescribed for him to say them
- 62,806
What should we say when the muezzin says al-salatu khayrun min al-nawm (prayer is better than sleep)?