Call for prayer
How to Call Adhan
Several versions of the adhan have been narrated in sound reports from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It is Sunnah to use all the versions that have been narrated from him in order to revive the Sunnah and to put an end to disputes and differences.73,730Do Women Have to Say Adhan and Iqamah?
It is not prescribed for women to say the Adhan and Iqamah for prayer, whether they are praying individually or one woman leads the others in prayer.61,066How Was the Adhan Prescribed in Islam?
The Adhan was prescribed at the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in Madinah, after a dream seen by one of the Companions.16,151- 26,626
Ruling on adhan and iqamah for women
- 16,765
Ruling on giving the adhaan and iqaamah when one does not have wudoo’
- 28,825
Is using loudspeakers for the adhaan an innovation (bid’ah)?
- 7,936
Repeating after the muezzin whilst doing wudoo’ and during Tawaaf
- 47,684
Modulation and elongation of vowels in the Adhan
- 24,449
When did the adhaan begin?
- 47,152
Was the adhan revealed by wahy or was it suggested by a sahaabi?