Forgetfulness During Prayer
- If he repeats al-Fatihah or the tashahhud because he thinks he omitted part of them, should he do the prostration of forgetfulness (sujud as-sahw)?22,717
- Following the imam in the prostration of forgetfulness4,781
- Ruling On Forgetting a Prostration of ForgetfulnessIf the worshipper did only one prostration for forgetfulness out of ignorance, he does not have to do anything, and his prayer and the prayer of one who prayed behind him is valid.24,600
- What to Do If There Are Two Reasons for Sujud As-SahwIf there are two reasons for Sujud as-Sahw, it is sufficient for him to do one prostration for forgetfulness, and what appears most likely is that it should be before the salam.24,182
- If a person forgets a Sunnah of the prayer, should he do the prostration of forgetfulness?33,467
- The difference between uncertainty and forgetfulness… If there is a great deal of uncertainty, then it is waswasah (intrusive thoughts) and no attention should be paid to it15,040
- If he starts to get up for a fifth rak‘ah and the people say “Subhaan-Allah” before he has stood up completely, what should he do?10,631
- If the one who is praying behind an imam says the tasleem before the imam7,207
- He has a sickness that makes him unable to remember the number of rak‘ahs and prostrations; should he do the prostration of forgetfulness?9,987
- What should a person who joined the prayer late do, if the imam made a mistake and said the tasleem after the third rak‘ah of a four-rak‘ah prayer, then remembered and stood up to do a fourth rak‘ah?15,842