Conditions for Prayer
Is Praying In Pants Invalid?
Praying in tight pants or clothes that show the shape of the body does not invalidate the prayer, provided that the `Awrah is fully covered.89,548Is Prayer Valid If Hair Shows Through Hijab Gaps in the Hijab?
If a few hairs protrude through small gaps between the threads of the Hijab, that does not invalidate the prayer, because it is very insignificant. The majority of scholars are of the view that if a small part of the `Awrah becomes uncovered whilst praying, it is overlooked.34,981Can a Muslim Pray in a Christian’s House?
The earth in its entirety is a place for prayer, unless there is any impediment in the presence of which prayer is disliked or invalid.46,896Is Prayer Invalid If `Awrah Becomes Exposed Accidentally?
If a man or woman prays covering the `Awrah, but part of it becomes uncovered accidentally, then they cover it immediately, the prayer is valid. This is applicable whether what is uncovered in the minor `Awrah or the private parts, and whether it is a lot or a little.33,510How to Cover the `Awrah Correctly during Prayer
The `Awrah of a man is the area between the navel and the knees according to the majority of scholars. With regard to women, apart from the face and hands, the hair and the entire body are `Awrah which has to be covered.150,579Can You Pray While in the State of Janabah?
Scholars unanimously agreed that it is forbidden for one who is in a state of Janabah to pray, and that such a prayer is not valid, regardless of whether he knew that he was in a state of Janabah, or he was unaware of that, or he forgot. However, if he prayed out of ignorance or he forgot, there is no sin on him.18,339Is It Allowed to Pray Where a Dog Has Been?
The mere fact that a dog passed through a place does not render it impure.70,478Are You Allowed to Pray in the Bathroom?
If a person faces serious harm for openly practicing their faith and has no other option, they may pray in the bathroom as a last resort. Combining prayers is often a valid solution to avoid this situation.67,558Is Praying in a Room with a Toilet Permissible?
While praying in a bathroom is clearly forbidden, praying in a room with a toilet can be valid as long as there is a separation and the area remains pure.110,307Can You Pray with Pictures on Your Clothes?
It is prohibited to wear clothes on which there are images of animate beings, but praying while wearing such clothes is valid.336,561