Things Which Invalidate the Prayer
- Must Women Repeat the Prayer if their Feet Unintentionally Uncovered?If a woman prayed with her feet uncovered, unaware of the ruling, then she is not required to make up those prayers due to her lack of knowledge about the matter.147,909
- He has seizures whilst he is praying, and loses consciousness for a few seconds; is his prayer rendered invalid?
- What to Do If Wudu Breaks during PrayerIf you break your Wudu during the prayer, by passing wind or otherwise, you should go and do Wudu, then come back and start the prayer from the beginning all over again according to the more correct view.85,096
- Do Cats Invalidate The Prayer If They Pass in front of You?Cats do not invalidate the prayer even if they pass in front of you, because the basic guideline is that the prayer is valid and there is no evidence to suggest that cats can invalidate the prayer.117,810
- Is it prescribed in Islam to make oneself weep during prayer?Weeping during prayer is one of the outcomes of humble submission (khushu‘) in prayer. As for making oneself weep, there is a da‘if (weak) hadith that has been narrated concerning it; if it is sahih, what is meant is bringing sorrow into the heart and focusing, not making sounds by weeping artificially.2,111
- Uncertainty Concerning When Menstruation Began and Its Effect on Fasting and Salah2,354
- Is the patient’s prayer valid if he takes narcotic medicine?Taking narcotic drugs is not permissible except in the case when there is no alternative to it, based on medical advice. If someone prays at the time of taking it when he is not fully aware, then his prayer is not valid. But if he is aware and understands what he is saying and doing, then his prayer is valid in that case.5,170
- What Invalidates the Prayer?The following are matters that invalidate prayer: 1- that which invalidates Wudu, 2- uncovering the `Awrah, 3- turning away from the Qiblah, 4- excessive continuous movement during the prayer, 5- omitting one of the pillars of the prayer, 6- saying the Salam before completing the prayer, 7- laughing out loud, 8- eating and drinking.206,933
- Does Bukhur Break One’s Fast?What is prohibited when fasting is inhaling Bukhur, not merely smelling its fragrance, because Bukhur has particles, so if it reaches the throat, it breaks the fast. There is nothing wrong with one who is praying smelling perfume or Bukhur.28,994
- Ruling on reading a commentary on the Qur’an whilst praying9,244