Voluntary Prayers
If he prays the regular sunnah prayer with the intention of greeting the mosque, will he attain the reward of two supererogatory prayers?
He prays two rak`ahs, intending four supererogatory prayers at the same time; is that valid?
Combining the intention of offering the Sunnah prayer before `Asr and making up the Sunnah prayer of Zuhr
Making Up a Missed Dhuhr Sunnah Prayer after `Asr
It is prescribed to make up the regular Sunnah prayers if they are missed because of an excuse which led to one missing them at the proper time, such as sleeping, forgetting or being too busy to do them. So, if you are unable to offer the regular Sunnah prayers before and after Dhuhr at the proper time, it is prescribed for you to offer them after `Asr.119,996Can We Pray Voluntary Prayers after The Sunnah of Fajr?
It is not prescribed to offer voluntary prayers after praying the two Sunnah Rak`ahs of Fajr and before Iqamah was called for the obligatory prayer.22,902Should One Make Up Duha Prayer?
Scholars differed with regard to making up Duha prayer. Some of them view that it should be made up, and this is the correct view according to the Shafi`is and some of the Hanbalis. Others view that it should not be made up.69,345What to Do If You Miss Part of Tarawih?
If you miss `Isha’ and arrive when the Imam is praying Tarawih, it is better for you to join him with the intention of praying `Isha’. If you miss part of the Tarawih prayer, do not make up that part after Witr. Rather, if you wish to make up for what you missed, wait until the Imam finishes praying Witr, and do not conclude your prayer with him. Instead, stand up and pray an additional Rak`ah, then offer the prayers you missed, and then conclude with Witr.60,146Is It Permissible to Pray 30 Rak`ahs in Tarawih?
There is no specific number of Rak`ahs for Tarawih prayer, such that it is not allowed to do more or less than that. Whoever prays Tarawih with 30 Rak`ahs, or more or less than that, there is no blame on him, and he is not innovating by doing that.31,137- 2,035
Is it permissible to do the regular Sunnah prayers and supererogatory (nafil) prayers in the car when one is not travelling?
Can You Pray Sunnah before Adhan?
The regular sunnah prayers that are offered before an obligatory prayer must be done after the time for the obligatory prayer begins.135,072