Seeing the New Moon
- Is the du‘aa’ “Allahumma sallimni li Ramadan wa sallim Ramadan li (O Allah, keep me safe until Ramadan and keep Ramadan safe for me…)” proven to be sound?The hadith “Allahumma sallimni li ramadan wa sallim ramadan li wa tasallamhu minni mutaqabbalan (O Allah, keep me safe until Ramadan, keep Ramadan safe for me, and accept it from me)” does not have any saheeh (sound) isnad going back to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him. But it was narrated from a number of the early generations that they used to recite a supplication similar to this.12,573
- If she finds out during the day that the new moon has been sighted in another country and she fasts, does she have to make up that day?8,473
- Can we rely on Ramadan timetables?17,775
- If there is an error in the moon sighting, and it is proven that we did not fast on one day of Ramadan, do we have to make it up?20,452
- Does Seeing the New Moon during the Day Count?Sighting the new moon during the day is of no significance; rather what matters is sighting it after sunset only.32,065
- The criterion of deciding the beginning of a Hijri monthWhat counts with regard to confirming the beginning of a Hijri month is sighting the new moon, or the completion of 30 days of the previous month if the moon is not sighted.35,115
- Should he fast with his own country or with any country that sights the new moon?50,766
- If they did not find out that the month of Ramadan had begun until partway through the day, what should they do?11,432
- He did not fast for two years, and now he is unable to fast to make up for it. What should he do?13,178
- Can the testimony of a woman be accepted with regard to sighting the new moon of Ramadan?22,614