- 1,429
Giving Fidyah Money to the Poor and Authorizing Them to Buy Food With it
- 7,061
Is it valid as expiation for breaking an oath (kaffarat yameen) to buy food for the poor from a restaurant?
- 13,661
Expiation for one who has intercourse during the day in Ramadan and the amount of food to be given
- 7,461
She has to offer expiation for having intercourse during the day in Ramadan with her previous husband, and it is very difficult for her to tell her current husband. Can she offer expiation by feeding poor persons without his knowledge?
- 12,172
He distributed ten meals as expiation for breaking an oath, but he gave two meals to one poor person
- 8,399
Is it acceptable to offer soup or broth to poor people as fidyah [ransom] for not fasting?
- 4,900
Is it acceptable to feed children when feeding the poor as an act of expiation (kafaarah)?
- 8,524
Can a poor child be given food that is given as an act of expiation (kafaarah)? Does the value of the food given as expiation matter, if the person is in a rich country and gives the expiation in a poor country?
- 11,800
Ruling on fasting in expiation for having intercourse during the day in Ramadan, fasting for sixty days without relying on the Islamic calendar
- 12,278
He committed zina during the day in Ramadan, and is afraid that if he fasts two consecutive months he will be exposed to shame, so can he feed sixty poor persons?