What is permitted for the fasting person
- Ruling on using plasma injections to treat hair loss; does it break the fast?Conclusion: if the scalp is injected with plasma, that does not invalidate the fast. That is in contrast to injection of blood via a vein, which takes the place of food and drink, so the fast is invalidated thereby.23,506
- Can You Have Elective Surgery done in Ramadan?If it is possible to delay the elective surgery until after Ramadan without causing any hardship or difficulty, then it is not permissible for you to break the fast because of that.17,449
- If the fasting person uses nose cream before Fajr and it continues to enter his throat until after Fajr, is his fast broken thereby?12,741
- Is it permissible to fast with the intention of drawing closer to Allah and earning reward, and with the intention of losing weight?22,677
- Does Laser Hair Removal Break Your Fast?It is permissible to use a laser for removing the hair that the Lawgiver has commanded us to remove and for other permissible uses unless trustworthy doctors state that the body may be harmed by that. Laser hair removal does not break your fast because it has nothing to do with fasting.74,221
- Is it permissible for her to have a medical exam or test which requires her to break her fast during the day in Ramadan?16,043
- Whoever voluntarily swallows food remnants that are caught between his teeth, or swallows some of the water he uses to rinse out his mouth whilst doing wudoo’, has broken the fast33,254
- Eating out of forgetfulness in Ramadan does not matter41,869
- Does Swallowing Mucus or Inserting Finger in Ear Break Fast?The correct view is that swallowing mucus does not break the fast because it does not come under the same heading as food and drink. Putting a finger in one’s ear does not break the fast either.160,928
- Can You Fast without Ghusl?The fast of one who has intercourse with his wife at night and wakes up in the morning in a state of janabah (major ritual impurity) is still valid. For more, please see the detailed answer.366,236