Obligation and virtues of fasting
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Which of them incurs greater sin, the one who breaks his fast secretly in Ramadan or the one who openly breaks the fast?
- 104,217
The reason why fasting is prescribed
What Are the Sunnahs of Fasting?
Some Sunnahs of fasting: 1- If someone reviles you, respond to him by saying ‘I am fasting.’ 2- Eating Suhur. 3- Hastening to break the fast and delaying Suhur. 4- Breaking the fast with fresh dates. 5- Saying this du`a when breaking your fast: ‘Dhahaba al-zama-u wa abtalat al-‘uruqu wa thabata al-ajr in sha Allah.’ 6- Offering a lot of du`a.34,831- 17,867
The virtue of fasting Ramadan is attained by fasting all of its days
How to Receive Ramadan
You should welcome Ramadan with joy and happiness and thanking Allah for enabling you to reach Ramadan. You should welcome Ramadan with sincere repentance and preparations to fast and pray qiyam, with a sound intention and sincere resolve.29,558- 7,980
If he does not serve tea and coffee to his bosses who are not fasting, they may fire him from his job
- 13,975
Is it proven that fasting Ramadan in Madinah is equivalent to fasting seventy Ramadans elsewhere?
- 12,145
She did not fast because she was unaware that fasting was obligatory for her; does she have to make up the fasts?
What Happens If You Break Your Fast on Purpose
• Whoever breaks the fast – even for one day – with no excuse has committed a major sin and has exposed himself to the wrath and punishment of Allah. • Whoever openly breaks the fast should be given a disciplinary punishment by the ruler, a punishment that will deter him and others like him from doing this grave act.130,610- 11,651
Sensing the need of the poor person and treating him kindly come under the heading of piety, for the attaining of which fasting was prescribed