Expiation for Saum
- 1,429
Giving Fidyah Money to the Poor and Authorizing Them to Buy Food With it
- 1,762
Order of Making Up Missed Fasts
She intended that if she got up and ate sahur, then she would fast to make up a missed Ramadan fast, but then she got up after dawn had broken. Is her fast valid?
Based on that, if you got up before the adhan of Fajr and formed the intention to fast, your fast is valid. If you got up after the adhan, then your fast is not valid as a make-up fast, because your intention was conditional and was not firm. For more information, please see the long answer.5,678- 7,856
Is the reward for making up fasts that were missed during the postpartum period and for other excuses like the reward for fasting in Ramadan?
Do You Have to Make Up Missed Fasts in Order?
Making up missed fast in order is more prudent, so you should make up what you missed of Ramadan 1439, then what you missed of Ramadan 1440, then what you missed of Ramadan 1441. But for one who does not know the order, or has forgotten it, and has made up what he owed of fasts from previous years, there is no blame on him and his making up of the fasts is valid.9,295- 12,891
Which takes precedence: making up missed Ramadan fasts or fasting in expiation for breaking an oath or fulfilment of a vow?
She has been fasting to make up days from Ramadan without forming the intention the night before, and she used to form the intention in the morning. What must she do now?
The fasts that your friend did to make up for missed Ramadan fasts with an intention formed during the day are not valid according to the majority of scholars. So she has to repeat the fasts of those days, but she does not have to offer expiation. This ruling to repeat her fasts applies to making up the fasts from last year, if there is still time to do that. With regard to previous years, some scholars, such as Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him), favoured the view that the one who does an act of worship in a wrong manner, but he was unaware of the right way to do it, and the time for it has ended, does not have to repeat it. If your friend follows this scholarly view, then we hope that there will be no blame on her.7,257Fasting Six Days of Shawwal before Making up Missed Fasts?
If you have an excuse that keeps you from fasting the six days of Shawwal in Shawwal because you have to make up missed fasts, then you may fast six days of Shawwal in Dhul-Qa'dah211,193- 95,545
It is not valid to combine making up missed Ramadan fasts with fasting six days of Shawwal with one intention
Can You Fast the Day after `Eid Al-Fitr?
`Eid Al-Fitr is just one day on which it is prohibited to fast. As for the second and third days of Shawwal, it is not prohibited to fast on those days. It is permissible to fast it to make up a missed Ramadan fast or as a voluntary fast.99,155