What is recommended for the fasting person
- Breaking the Fast With an Odd Number of Dates8,237
- Is There a Specific Du`a for Each Day and Night of Ramadan?Singling out the first third of Ramadan to make Du`a for mercy, the second third to make Du`a for forgiveness and the last third to make Du`a for ransom from Hell is an innovation for which there is no basis in Islamic teachings. There is also no justification for singling out these times for these Du`as, because all the days of Ramadan are equal in that regard. Rather the Muslim may make Du`a for whatever he wants of goodness in this world and the hereafter throughout Ramadan; that includes asking Allah for mercy, forgiveness, ransom from the Fire and admission to Paradise.103,152
- Some of the Sunnahs of fasting133,029
- Du’a When Breaking FastProphet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say this du’a when breaking his fast: “Dhahaba al-zama wa’btalat al-‘uruq wa thabata al-ajr in sha Allah.”314,392
- What Are the Sunnahs of Fasting?Some Sunnahs of fasting: 1- If someone reviles you, respond to him by saying ‘I am fasting.’ 2- Eating Suhur. 3- Hastening to break the fast and delaying Suhur. 4- Breaking the fast with fresh dates. 5- Saying this du`a when breaking your fast: ‘Dhahaba al-zama-u wa abtalat al-‘uruqu wa thabata al-ajr in sha Allah.’ 6- Offering a lot of du`a.34,831
- Is it true that the veil is lifted between Allah and His slaves at the time when the fasting people break their fast?15,588
- Types of food and drink that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to have for his iftaar and sahoor91,973
- The Sunnah is to hasten to break one’s fast54,942
- What Is the Reward of Feeding a Fasting Person?Whoever gives iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.102,314
- ‘Umrah is mustahabb at any time in Ramadan23,161