Fast of those who are exempted
Can I Pray after Miscarriage?
The correct scholarly view is that if a woman miscarries a foetus that was fully formed, then she should stop praying and fasting because this is postpartum bleeding. If the foetus was not fully formed, then her blood is irregular bleeding and she should not stop praying and fasting.159,215How Can I Encourage My Child to Fast?
Eleven tips on how to get your children accustomed to fasting: 1. Telling them of the virtues of fasting. 2. Prior experience of getting used to fasting, such as fasting a few days in the month of Sha`ban. 3. Fasting part of the day and increasing the time gradually. 4. Delaying Suhur (pre-dawn meal) until the last part of the night. 5. Encouraging them to fast by giving them rewards each day or each week. 6. Praising them in front of the family. 7. Instilling a spirit of competition for the one who has more than one child. 8. Distracting the one who gets hungry by letting him sleep or play permissible games. 9. It is preferable for the father to take his son -- especially after `Asr -- to attend the prayer and lessons, and to stay in the mosque to read the Quran and remember Allah. 10. Arranging visits during the day and night to families whose young children are also fasting, so as to encourage them to carry on fasting. 11. Rewarding them with permissible trips after iftar, or making the kinds of food, sweets, fruits and juices that they want.33,979Can I Skip Fasting during Exams?
It is not permissible to break the fast during Ramadan because of examsو because having exams is not one of the valid reasons for breaking the fast in Islam.116,991- 10,381
He did ‘umrah during the day in Ramadaan and felt tired and exhausted so he broke his fast
Ruling on Female Discharge during Fasting
There is no need to do ghusl because of this discharge, and it does not affect the fast. With regard to prayer, wudu must be done for each prayer after the time for the prayer has begun, if the flow is continual.170,100- 19,157
Not fasting because of military parades and marches, and because of the fear of dying
- 22,003
When can a menstruating woman fast?
- 14,517
He works as a diver – how can he fast when water may enter his throat?
- 40,059
Can he break the fast because his work is too hard?
- 66,049
Is it permissible for him to break his fast because his work is difficult?