What is recommended for the fasting person
Is There any Dua for Suhur?
There is no specific du’a to be said at the time of suhur. What is prescribed is to say Bismillah at the beginning and to praise Him when one stops eating, as should be done at every meal.130,135When Does Suhur Time End?
It is recommended to delay suhur and it is not recommended to stop eating and drinking a while before Fajr. Allah has permitted those who intend to fast to eat and drink until they are certain that dawn has come.366,416- 16,397
Which is better during the day in Ramadaan – reading Qur’aan or praying voluntary prayers?
- 20,153
Ruling on the Ramadan soccer league
Can a Doctor Delay Iftar?
If a doctor cannot break his fast with fresh or dried dates, then he can break his fast with water. If he cannot, then it is sufficient for him to have the intention of breaking the fast.21,983- 28,610
Eating after Maghrib and the regular Sunnah prayer of Maghrib
When To Say Du`a For Breaking Fast
Du`a for breaking fast should be made before iftar, at Maghrib, because this combines weakness and humility, and because he is still fasting.79,737