What is permitted for the fasting person
Can You Moisten Your Lips With Balm While Fasting?
There is nothing wrong with moistening the lips and nose with balm or wetting them with water or with a cloth and the like.36,465Does Rinsing the Nose and Mouth Break Your Fast?
There is nothing wrong with rinsing the nose and mouth while fasting, but you should not exaggerate in doing that lest the water reach your throat.26,961Can You Use Miswak While Fasting?
It is permissible for you to use miswak and toothpaste whilst fasting so long as you are careful not to swallow anything. For more, please see the detailed answer.130,798Do Nicotine Patches Break Your Fast?
It is permissible to use nicotine patches to quit smoking gradually. Also nicotine patches do not invalidate your fasting and you can offer prayers with them on.94,035- 27,605
His tooth was giving him pain so he broke the fast
- 38,763
If bits of food go down his throat without him meaning them to, does that invalidate his fast?
- 36,067
The food comes back up to his throat – what should he do?
Is It Prohibited to Get a Massage during Ramadan?
Working as a massage therapist during the day in Ramadan does not break the fast for the therapist or for the one who receives the massage.44,874- 146,366
Does Going to the Dentist Break Your Fast?
- 18,191
Can he take vitamins after sahoor?