Things which invalidate the fast
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Does consuming that which is acquired by haraam means spoil the fast?
Can I Whiten My Teeth while Fasting?
When the moulds used in teeth whitening kits are tightly placed over the teeth and gums so that nothing comes out into the mouth, in this case these moulds do not affect the validity of the fast.10,459Does Swallowing Bits of Skin from Lips Invalidate the Fast?
If you used to swallow these bits of skin when you were able to eject them, then your fast is not valid, and you must make up the days on which you did that.20,203What is the ruling on swallowing saliva after it reaches the lips?
If saliva reaches the lips, then the person swallows it unintentionally, such as if he licks his lips and the like unintentionally, there is no blame on him. Similarly, if it dries up, then he closes his lips, its traces disappear when it dries up, and there is nothing left that could cause one to break the fast at all, whether deliberately or by mistake. If you deliberately swallow this saliva after it reaches the lips, then there is a difference of scholarly opinion as to whether that breaks the fast. For more details, please see the long answer.11,155Does the injection of a saline solution under the skin to test for sensitivity during the day in Ramadan invalidate the fast?
There is nothing wrong with testing for sensitivity by injecting a saline solution under the skin, because this does not serve to provide nutrients.5,451- 10,355
What is the ruling on using denture adhesives when fasting?
What is the ruling on having a Covid-19 test or swab during the day in Ramadan?
There is nothing wrong with having a test or swab for Covid-19 during the day in Ramadan, whether the swab is taken from the mouth or the nose, because insertion of the instrument into the throat or nose does not break the fast.11,858- 30,445
If he masturbates and withholds the semen, then it comes out when he urinates, does it invalidate his fast?
Does Vomiting Break Your Fast?
Vomiting deliberately breaks the fast and you have to make up that day. If you cannot help vomiting and vomit involuntarily, your fast is still valid and you do not have to do anything else.335,440Can You Eat till Fajr in Ramadan?
One should stop eating and drinking, etc. as soon as he hears the adhan of Fajr, if he knows that the muadhdhin gives the call on time. But if he is not sure about that, then he should limit it to drinking what is in his hand.208,528