Expiation for Saum
- 8,422
Ramadan began when he was in another country but he did not fast with them because he was travelling. Does he have to make up that fast?
- 19,304
She vomited involuntarily whilst she was fasting, and she thought that it was obligatory to make up that day, then whilst she was making it up she found out that her first fast has been valid; should she complete that day or break her fast?
- 16,043
Is it permissible for her to have a medical exam or test which requires her to break her fast during the day in Ramadan?
- 13,024
Ruling on giving the expiation for delay in making up missed fasts to relatives
- 22,770
She has repented from apostasy; does she have to make up the prayers and fasts that she missed when she was an apostate?
- 14,612
She intended to fast ‘Arafah to make up a missed (obligatory) fast one week before ‘Arafah, then she forgot that intention and fasted it as a voluntary fast; is that acceptable in order to make up the missed (obligatory) fast?
- 24,466
He had intended to make up a missed fast, but he forgot and he ate and drank; will that day count as a make-up fast?
- 11,432
If they did not find out that the month of Ramadan had begun until partway through the day, what should they do?
Is Making up Missed Fasts after Shaban 15 Allowed?
There is nothing wrong with making up a missed Ramadan fast in the last half of Sha’ban.77,369- 13,178
He did not fast for two years, and now he is unable to fast to make up for it. What should he do?