- 36,195
When is expiation required for one who broke the fast in Ramadaan without an excuse?
- 16,599
Ruling on one who forgets to make up missed fasts before the next Ramadaan comes
- 8,575
He should make up what he owes first, then fast on behalf of the deceased
- 27,961
Is expiation for having intercourse during the day in Ramadan required from the woman too?
Deliberately Breaking the Fast In Ramadan With No Excuse
If you did not fast three days of Ramadan out of heedlessness and not because you believed it was permissible to do so, then you have committed a serious major sin by violating the sanctity of Ramadan and you have to make up for these days later.70,480- 24,820
Is it obligatory to feed sixty poor persons in one go? Can he feed his family with what he offers as expiation (kafaarah)?
- 26,237
He wants to delay making up Ramadan fasts until winter because the days are shorter
- 28,027
She got her period whilst fasting for two consecutive months – does that interrupt that continuous fasting?
- 35,972
Is the expiation for having intercourse during the day in Ramadan waived in the case of one who is unable to do it?
- 24,262
He died owing expiation for having intercourse during the day in Ramadan. What should his children do?